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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Holding Out for Prince Charming

Alright ladies. I am going to share a bit of information with you. Guys, this applies to you in a sense as well. I turn 20 next month and I have been doing a lot of reflection on my life and soul searching in myself. I have come to a conclusion. I never knew how to be alone until now. I always found my self-worth in boys, just as many girls do. By the start of seventh grade I believed wholeheartedly that all I needed in life was a boy to tell me I was beautiful. I was the girl who always had a boyfriend. This wasn’t because I had all the boys constantly seeking me out. I took the first one to come along. Granted two of these relationships were terrific. The rest not so much. I did learn something from each though. I allowed myself to only be happy when I was with a boy. Then college hit. My very serious boyfriend and I went separate directions. It tore me a part. I didn’t know what to with myself. Then it all made sense. College is the time for me to discover myself, love myself, and have fun along the way.

I realized that I didn’t know the full capacity of who I am without someone in my life. But what kind of life am I really living if that’s how I am living? So, here it goes. Single Sabrina. I have been single for the longest time since I first began this thing that I once called “dating” What is dating really? Middle school it was holding hands on the way to class before a teacher yelled at you for PDA. High school maybe you went on a couple dates? Well, in college things get a little more serious. Things go in two different directions. Hookup culture or a serious relationship.  Chances are your first couple years will come off as a hookup culture. No one will know what they really want. I cant really speak for the men other than let yourself be a gentleman. You see that cute girl, ask her to coffee. Chances are she will want you to. Ladies, hold out for more than Netflix. We all know where that leads. Both genders: realize its okay to have friends that are completely platonic. Friends are good to have. You don’t need to be surrounded by someone who makes your world. Your world should be the things you are passionate about. So here’s a little insight into what I am doing until Prince Charming sweeps me off my feet.

I am loving myself. I am happy. I am on fire for my G-d. I am getting my degree. I am being spontaneous. I am living out my bucket list. I am surrounding myself with all sorts of people. People that love me and think I am beautiful inside and out. I am allowing myself to mature without someone trying to mature me into what they want. I have found my passions and I am exploring them. I am getting an education so I can go educating tiny humans. I am writing again. Clearly. I am exploring my creative side and painting. It might look horrible, but it makes me happy.  I am not dating. If a guy were to ask me to coffee I might just say yes. But its just a latte. I am meeting new people. I am waiting until there’s an overwhelming sense of peace that this is the guy I should start dating before I date again. I am holding out for flowers, going on actual dates, a guy to get the door, and more than just “hanging out.”

So with that being said, ladies it’s time to hold out for flowers and guys who get the door. And until then you be yourself. You do you. Surround yourself with people who love you and appreciate who you are. Men, it’s time to take charge. It’s time for you to grab the reigns and ask that girl to coffee.

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